2022 Project Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research: A
randomized controlled trial comparing Virtual Reality Therapy to Supportive
Therapy to reduce cannabis use in patients with psychotic disorders.

2021 Catalyst Project Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Innovative
virtual reality-based psychotherapy for the 
of cannabis use disorder in patients with psychotic disorders.

2020 Dissemination grant, doctorat level, awarded by the University Institute of Mental Health of Montreal: Dellazizzo, L., Luigi, M., Potvin, S. & Dumais, A. (2020). Evidence on virtual reality-based therapies for psychiatric disorders: Meta-review of meta-analyses. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

2019 Rank 1 in the Junior 2 clinician researcher scholarship program: clinical and epidemiological component, Fonds de Recherche Santé Québec:  L’innovation technologique au service de la recherche en psychiatrie : traitement de la schizophrénie résistante et gestion de la violence.

2019 Excellence scholarship at the doctoral level of the biomedical sciences program, University of Montreal, Faculty of Medicine.

2019 Grant to encourage applications of Artificial Intelligence in medicine, University of Montreal, Faculty of Medicine.

2019 First prize in the Popular Science Contest, Quebec Bio-Imagery Network: Vidéo Avatar.

2019 Second prize for a 180 seconds presentation, Annual Research Day at the Institut Universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal: Single-blind randomized controlled trial comparing Avatar Therapy to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

2019 CODES Writing Prize awarded by the Department of Psychiatry and Addiction of the University of Montreal: Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Bahig, S., & Dumais, A. (2019). A comprehensive review of virtual reality uses for the treatment of violent behaviors: Implications for youth with schizophrenia. Npj schizophrenia.

2019 Fernand-Séguin First Prize Doctoral Scholarship awarded by the Research Center of the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal.

2018 Project Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research: A randomized controlled trial comparing Avatar Therapy to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in schizophrenia with treatment refractory hallucinations.

2018  Ella Amir Prize for innovation in mental health, AMI-Québec

2018  CODES writing prize awarded 
by the Department of Psychiatry and addictology of the Université de
Montréal : Dellazizzo L, Percie du Sert O, Potvin S, O’Connor K, Dumais A
(2018). Preliminary
exploration of the dialogue in the Avatar therapy for patients with refractory
auditory hallucinations: A qualitative analysis of content.
Clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

2018  AXEL Idea
Contest from the research center of the Institut Universitaire en santé mentale
de Montréal : Le Traitement Automatique du
Langage humain comme outil de prédiction de la réponse à la Thérapie Avatar
pour les hallucinations auditives verbales dans la schizophrénie

2018 Doctoral
scholarship awarded from the FRQS : Étude
randomisée contrôlée comparant l’efficacité de la Thérapie Avatar à la
Thérapie Cognitivo-Comportementale chez les patients atteints d’une
schizophrénie résistante aux traitements

2018 Bachelor PREMIER
scholarship awarded from the Faculty of medecine of the  Université de Montréal :
Acceptabilité de la thérapie avatar et analyse de son processus

2017 Doctoral Research
Award from the Université de Montréal :
Efficacité de traitements non pharmacologiques chez les patients
atteints d’une schizophrénie réfractaire aux traitements

2017 Prize for best poster presentation at the Research day of the
Department of Psychiatry at Université de Montréal :
Percie du Sert, O., Potvin S., Lipp O., Dellazizzo L., Laurelli M., Breton R.,
Lalonde P., Phraxayavong K., O’Connor K., Pelletier J-F., Boukhalfi T., Renaud
P., Dumais A. Virtual reality therapy for refractory auditory verbal hallucinations in
schizophrenia: A replication clinical trial.

2016 Prize for best
poster presentation at the Research day of the Department of Psychiatry at
Université de Montréal:
Percie du Sert O, Potvin S, & Dumais A. Traitement des hallucinations auditives réfractaires de la
schizophrénie par la réalité virtuelle : un essai clinique de la thérapie